Today is The March for Life in Washington D.C. I wrote this post in 2017, and ever since, I’ve re-posted it each year. I share it annually to {hopefully} bless any woman who is feeling conflicted or in pain over a past abortion. This can be a silent pain, and carries with it invisible suffering. If you are such a woman, know that you are not invisible to God – He sees you, knows you and loves you. – Laura
The March for Life was last Friday and, if I didn’t have to work, I would have been there. Washington D.C. is only 45 minutes from my home and it’s an easy trip. I’ve always wanted to attend, but haven’t made it there for a variety of reasons. Maybe next year.
Last week I wrote a post, {The Truth About Your Sweet, Feminine Self} in response to the women’s march that occurred on the Saturday after the inauguration. I was heartbroken after watching it unfold both on TV and on social media. I know that many of us were troubled by the message that day and I wanted to write a simple piece on our true, God-given, feminine identity.
As for The March for Life, you might be surprised to know that I felt heartache over it as well. My feelings had nothing to do with the peaceful and prayerful march, the wonderful speakers or the message of the day. All of it was uplifting and inspiring. God truly is answering our prayers for the unborn.
Even so, as I watched the march unfold, my heart was broken for many of you – my dear sisters who have had an abortion.
From Sanctity of Life Sunday to the march on Friday, we were reminded that since Rowe vs. Wade became law, 58 million babies have been aborted in this country.
What if one of those dear souls was your child?
I say this because, even though the cause is important and we as Christians must stand to speak out for the unborn, it doesn’t mean that the message wasn’t painful for you.
All of this, though well intended, can pick open a wound.
And so I prayed and asked God to remind you of His great love for you. And even though I have not had an unexpected pregnancy, we really are no different from one another.
In the time and place I grew up in, coming home pregnant was completely unacceptable. Fear was spoken into us – an out of wedlock pregnancy that would shame our entire family. We were told we would be forever ruined.
I remember one girl in my high school who was quietly sent away to have her baby and give it up for adoption – but every other girl I knew in high school and in college who became pregnant, chose to have an abortion.
Almost universally, they made this decision based on the belief that they could not go home and tell their parents such news. They believed it was better and safer to just make it go away.
And make it go away, they did. The problem is, it never really goes away.
When I look back on my younger years, I am convinced that, even though I was a Christian and understood abortion is a sin, I feared shame, being ‘ruined’ and disappointing my family more than I feared God.
My faith was simply not strong enough to trust Him with a situation like an out of wedlock pregnancy.
Although I will never know for sure, it is quite possible, had I been in the same frightening place, I would have chosen abortion too – even though I was a Christian and even though I knew it was a sin.
In those years of my life, I didn’t have the faith and trust that I have now. The truth is, God never asks us to do anything He doesn’t give us the power to do. He would have given it to me, but I didn’t know it then.
And so, I can’t pass judgment on any of you who have made the choice to abort her baby. I feel so fiercely protective of your broken hearts that my heart breaks for you, too.
I am no different from you. I just never had to make that choice.
The story of my growing up years may be different than yours. Women deal with unplanned pregnancies in different ways and for different reasons.
But no matter how you came to your decision, know this – if abortion is part of your story, you are not ruined.
If you have asked Him for forgiveness, He has forgiven you. He sees you, understands your broken heart, and He will take away your shame.
My sister, you are not ruined — you are redeemed.
And today, maybe, just maybe, you need a reminder that your child is in His care and you are too.
I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. — 2 Kings 20:5
With so much love,

Will you consider sharing this post with a friend who may need some encouragement today? Maybe she needs to know she is not alone and is seen and loved not only by God, but by you as well. xo