Soul Fitness: Strengthening Your Core {a change in perspective}

Happy Monday Girlfriends,

I have no doubt that over the past two weeks during all of the upheavals, changes and disruptions, you have had many opportunities to exercise your trust muscle! Whether you need someone to cheer for you to keep going, or to encourage you to get going, I hope these posts are helpful as we journey on together.


You`re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God. You’re blessed when you follow His directions, doing your best to find Him. That`s right- you don`t go off on your own; you walk straight along the road He set.Psalm 119:4 (MSG)

We really are in this together. So… here is the third video for Soul Fitness: Strengthening Your Core. I am sharing a perspective shifting bit of wisdom a friend blessed me with a few years ago. It was life-giving and life-changing. I hope it is for you too.

So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without His unfolding grace.2 Corinthians 4:16 (MSG)

Grace and peace to you,

PS. You may view the first two Soul Fitness video blogs here and here. Please feel free share with anyone who may need hope, encouragement and God’s truth at this unsettled time. The truth is, we can’t do this alone – we all need Jesus and each other. xo

Book Laura

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