The Truth About Your Sweet Feminine Self

There was a lot of commotion out there this past weekend regarding our role as women in our society and in this world. If we are not careful, we can get ourselves caught up in trying to find our self-worth from someplace outside of God’s Word.

To be crystal clear: our value, our self-worth and our acceptance will never come from a law, a march or a shifting-sand political platform. They come to us from one place and one place alone – Jesus Christ.

Remember this: God-given identity is true for all women. Every single soul has value and is an image bearer of the one who created her — whether she knows Him or not.

In Genesis 1 and 2, God created the heaven, the earth and everything it in it. Each time something was created, He said it was ‘good’ – until He created man. After man’s creation, God decided something wasn’t good.

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” – Genesis 2:18

You have seen this verse before and in some translations the word ‘helpmeet’ is in place of the word ‘helper’. 

Helpmeet? Helper?

They sound kind of weak, don’t they? Both words feel like God created us to stand a few steps back with eyes lowered to the floor. No abundant life for us – we simply are here to ‘help’.

But it isn’t so.

In the original language, ‘helpmeet’ is translated back to the Hebrew word ‘ezer’ and this word has a very, very different meaning.

The word ‘ezer’ means, strength, power, and rescue. One commentator translates it as a strong power and lifesaver!

So, let’s take a look at Genesis 2:18 again and place the real meaning in the text.

The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a strong power and rescuer for him.’

Our sweet Lord created us not as an afterthought, but as the crowning glory of His perfect creation!

This world was not complete – and neither was man – until our feminine strength, fueled by God’s power, arrived on the scene! He has given us large hearts to love and carry life – by our very nature, we are life givers, lifesavers and rescuers.

And anything that goes against how God created us, goes against Him.

Now girls, ever since Eve tangled with sin, our God-given qualities have been distorted. Oh my, how they have been twisted and turned and defiled!

It’s no wonder so many of us have searched for our identity and value in unsafe places.

But the truth is, no matter how messed up our value may be in our own eyes or in the eyes of others, it has never ever changed in the eyes and heart of the One who made us.

We are life-bearers.

We rescuers and lifesavers.

We possess God’s strong power expressed through our big feminine hearts.

We are smart and possess keen intuition & wisdom via the Holy Spirit.

We are valuable.

We are servant leaders.

We have God-given dignity.

And so does every little girl on this earth and those yet to be born.

All are image bearers of God Almighty.

The Bible is full of women who used the attributes God created them with to influence their world for His glory.

One such woman was Esther.

Her name means ‘star’ and it is so appropriate! She used her strong power to be a bright light in a very dark time. Her courage, strength and keen wisdom led her to become the lifesaver of her beloved people.

There is also Rahab, Mary, Elizabeth, the Samaritan woman and on and on. These women — and many, many more (some named and some unnamed), have left us a legacy as God’s crowning glory.

Creation wasn’t complete without our feminine strong power!

As designed, we can illuminate His voice of life, calm, wisdom, kindness, love, empathy, loyalty and of understanding in this lost and hurting world.

We don’t need anyone out there to affirm our dignity or value. We don’t have to go looking ‘elsewhere’ for it either. It’s ours. We only have to look at God’s perfect creation and listen to the lives of our sisters in the pages of scripture.

Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. – Hebrews 13:7b

Blessings to you, my girlfriends!

Book Laura

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