Hello Friends,
I was reading through the Gospel of John today and have a little bit of encouragement...

Hi Friends,
My heart has been heavy for those who don’t know Jesus. You too? I have never encountered...

Happy Monday Girlfriends,
I have no doubt that over the past two weeks during all of the upheavals,...

Hi There,
As promised, this is the second video blog of the new series. Each little lesson will offer...

Hello My Sisters,
Since I have a suddenly cleared calendar, I thought I would jump on twice a week...

Hi Friends,
Today was a game-changer for the state of Maryland. Our governor made a sweeping executive...

Hello Girlfriends,
Today is The March for Life in Washington D.C. I wrote this post in 2017, and ever...

Happy Monday Girlfriends!
Last month, as I was working on my new website, I read over and listened...

An African boy listened carefully as his missionary teacher explained why Christians give presents...

Let’s just admit it, we all struggle with keeping Christmas in perspective. The season just seems...
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